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The Hard Won Wisdom Podcast

Dec 19, 2023

Psychotherapist Elizabeth Heaney asks the question. We've all had those moments where we ignore our gut instincts and settle for less than we deserve in our careers, relationships, or even in our daily choices. Here is how to liberate that inner voice that's begging you to speak up and take charge.



Dec 13, 2023

A recent study found 32 percent of women feel uncomfortable discussing money, and 16 percent feel that the issue is outright taboo. What’s stopping us, and how do we get past our fears and inhibitions so we make decisions that put our money to work? Join financial futurist Brandy Baxter for a quick lesson on how to...

Dec 5, 2023

Marriages fall apart all the time, and we understand that. But when a friend betrays, undermines or ghosts us, that’s another story. Friendships can be soul connections or toxic encounters. Join author Susan Shapiro Barash, whose study on friendship turned into the eye-opening book, Toxic Friends.


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